What Do We Believe?

Generation Joshua Vision Statement

The vision of Generation Joshua is to assist parents to raise up the next generation of Christian leaders and citizens, equipped to positively influence the political processes of today and tomorrow.

Generation Joshua Mission Statement

Generation Joshua’s mission is to inspire and equip young leaders and citizens to influence the political and civic process for good. All of our programs either challenge youth to strengthen their beliefs or give them the opportunity to put their beliefs into action. We know that not every person is called to run for office, but every citizen should be willing to stand up for what is right, wherever they are called to serve. To that end, Generation Joshua exists.

As Christians, we are called to be good stewards of our personal lives, our communities and our nation. Generation Joshua’s programs inspire members with a faith in God and a bright hope for the future of America. Our goal is to equip students to be Christians who are citizens and leaders that love and serve those around them. We believe that Generation Joshua students will impact our nation for Christ and for His glory.

Generation Joshua Core Values

Generation Joshua upholds and calls on each of its members to champion biblical values, especially:

  • The Sanctity of Life
  • Personal Responsibility
  • The Traditional Family
  • Limited Government
  • Religious Freedom
  • Economic Freedom
  • Justice for All
  • Compassion for the poor and vulnerable