
  • Because He Lives

    March 26, 2016 by User Not Found

    Take heart, rise up and take action. We know who is in control -- and we know how the story ends. As you celebrate Christ's resurrection, take a minute and think of the future. Because He lives, we don't have to live in fear. Because He lives, we have hope for tomorrow. Read more

  • You Can Set The Tone

    March 10, 2016 by User Not Found

    "Can we call a truce and talk? We can always go back to killing each other later.” Read more

  • Remembering Justice Antonin Scalia

    March 10, 2016 by User Not Found

    My sister and I were phonebanking at a local presidential campaign office. Taking a break as the pizza arrived shortly after 5pm, my sister looked up from her phone, and in a quiet but urgent voice, uttered the last words I expected to hear that day: "Justice Scalia is dead." Read more

  • National Security and Refugees: Do What’s Right

    February 23, 2016 by User Not Found

    While I understand national security concerns, I am troubled by the idea of completely closing our borders to those fleeing ISIS. Read more

  • The Most Powerful Lesson

    February 23, 2016 by User Not Found

    As director of Generation Joshua, I work with thousands of teens across the nation. At one of our events, a student tapped me on the shoulder and asked if we could talk. Ten minutes of trivialities passed before he worked up his courage to tell me what was really on his mind. “I hate you. You’re a hypocrite. You say you love me, but no one really loves me.” Read more

  • Get to Know Brandt Edmonston

    February 23, 2016 by User Not Found

    We asked Brandt Edmonston 10 questions about his background, interests, and advice for young people. Check out this post and watch for more as we interview each of the GenJ staff over the next few weeks. Read more

  • Get to Know Daniel Heffington

    February 23, 2016 by User Not Found

    We asked Daniel Heffington 10 questions about his background, interests, and advice for young people. Check out this post and watch for more as we interview each of the GenJ staff over the next few weeks. Read more

  • Get to Know Glenn Bertsch

    February 23, 2016 by User Not Found

    We asked Glenn Bertsch 10 questions about his background, interests, and advice for young people. Check out this post and watch for more as we interview each of the GenJ staff over the next few weeks. Read more

  • Get to Know Jeremiah Lorrig

    February 23, 2016 by User Not Found

    We asked Jeremiah Lorrig 10 questions about his background, interests, and advice for young people. Check out this post and watch for more as we interview each of the GenJ staff over the next few weeks. Read more

  • Get to Know Joel Grewe

    February 23, 2016 by User Not Found

    We asked Joel Grewe 10 questions about his background, interests, and advice for young people. Check out this post and watch for more as we interview each of the GenJ staff over the next few weeks. Read more